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Description: 51单片机驱动can控制器sja1000的源程序-MCS-51 DRIVER CAN-BUS CONTROLLER SJA1000 SOURCE PROGRAM
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 付强 | Hits:


Description: 8051的一些算法,浮点转换程序库,可以直接应用-algorithm, floating-point conversion, you can direct applications
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 陈小忠 | Hits:


Description: ic卡读写方式和内容,程序的模块化可用,比较方便,还可以-IC card reader formats and contents, procedures can be modular, more convenient, but also
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 何建平 | Hits:

[Other Embeded program无需外扩ram即可在51上执行的占先式RTOS

Description: 无需外扩ram即可在51上执行的占先式RTOS 可移植,完全免费,公开源代码 具有详细中文文档和注释 (作者已经把它运用到实际的项目中)-without ram can be extended outside of the 51 on the implementation of preemptive RTOS portable, free, open-source with the Chinese documents and detailed notes (The author has already put it to practical use items)
Platform: | Size: 735232 | Author: 周小川 | Hits:


Description: CAN总线与51单片机的接口原理图,使用的是sja1000和tja1040(philips).还包括了具体的文档资料和c语言控制代码(附加了LCD代码和LCD接口以及电源变换原理图).搞CAN总线一步到位.-CAN Bus and 51 microcontroller interface schematics, using the sja1000 and tja1040 (Philips). Also include the specific information and documentation control code language c (Additional code of LCD and LCD interfaces, and power transformation diagram). CAN engage in one go.
Platform: | Size: 1871872 | Author: 闪核 | Hits:


Description: 这个程序可以支持WINDOWS按FAT16格式化的U盘,因为程序精简,所以只兼容超过50%以上的U 盘品牌,如果换 成CH375A芯片则兼容性可提高到85%,当然,如果使用WCH公司的子程序库或者正式版本的C源 程序兼容性更好-this procedure can support Windows FAT16 formatted by the U disk, because the procedure is streamlined and therefore only compatible with more than 50% of the U-brand, if chips were replaced CH375A compatibility can be increased to 85%, if the company's use of WCH subroutine library or an official version of the C source better compatibility
Platform: | Size: 520192 | Author: xie | Hits:


Description: 目前所做的一套卫星测距系统应用到CAN2.0A协议,由于CAN现在多为军用,因此资料很少,这个是CAN控制器SJA1000同C51弹片机的通信程序,站长参考下吧.-doing a satellite location system application to CAN2.0A agreement, CAN over to the military now, very little information, this is the SJA1000 CAN controller with shrapnel C51 machine communication procedures, head of reference under it.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 宋真 | Hits:


Description: 51的键盘扫描程序,与原来的扫描方式不同,这种方式可以处理多键同时按下.-51 keyboard scanning procedures, with the original scan different ways, this approach can handle multi-button pressed together.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 石头 | Hits:


Description: 51单片机众多优秀的开发源程序:ZLG7290例程*ZLG7290汇编例程*蜂鸣器音乐例程*蜂鸣器响例程*读EEPROM并显示例程*16×2LCD模块例程*128×64点阵LCD模块例程*直连KEY和LED例程*直连LED例程*lin模块的原码及例程。LIN总线例程 RS232例程(包括PC端和书上了串口例程) USB1.1例程(包括PC端) RS485例程 USB2.0例程(有3个,包括PC端) 基于ETHERNET的TCPIP例程 时钟显示例程 CAN自发自收例程 外中断1 CAN例程 USB2.0PC例程-51 MCU development of many excellent source : Wire routines** Wire compilation routines buzzer music routines** buzzer sound routines EEPROM read and display routines* 16 gen module routines* 128 x 64 dot-matrix LCD module routines* Direct Connect KEY routines and LED* Direct Connect lin* LED module routines of the original code and routines. LIN bus RS232 routines routines (including PC- and a book on the serial routines) USB1.1 routines (including the PC side) RS485 routines USB2.0 routines (there are three, including the PC side) BASED ETHERNET TCPIP routines clock display routines CAN spontaneous collected an external interrupt routines CAN routines USB2.0PC routines
Platform: | Size: 19338240 | Author: 符凝思 | Hits:


Description: 自制51仿针器,可以为热爱学习单片机的人员提供一些帮助.-made 51 fake needle, you can learn to love the MCU provides some help.
Platform: | Size: 3852288 | Author: 王文卓 | Hits:


Description: 该文件里包含了大量的常用经典的程序代码,可以为51编程者带来事半功倍的效果,-The document contains a number of popular classics code can be programmed for 51 brought a multiplier effect,
Platform: | Size: 351232 | Author: 王文卓 | Hits:


Description: 51单片机 can总线演示程序,供大家参考,交流。-51 Bus Demonstration Program, for your reference, exchange.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 张平 | Hits:


Description: 51下RTC的例子 本目录总共有以下部分: 1.项目文件PCF8563.uv2,TIME.uv2。 2.调试源程序PCF8563_s.asm和PCF8563_S.c。 3.模拟I2C文件包VI2C_ASM.inc和VI2C_C51.h用户可以直接调用。-51 examples of a total catalog of the following parts : 1. Project documents PCF8563.uv2, TIME.uv2. 2. PCF8563_s.asm and debug source PCF8563_S.c. 3. I2C simulation package VI2C_ASM.inc and VI2C_C51.h users can call directly.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: www | Hits:


Description: 1. EXT_C.rar, 给初学者(带中文注释的C51语言例程), 利用外部中断实现LED灯的简单控制。 2. EXT_A.rar, 给初学者(带中文注释的51汇编语言例程), 利用外部中断实现LED灯的简单控制。 两个同样功能的中断例程, 一个用C51实现, 另一个用ASM51实现(ASM51是由C51反汇编生成的), 都在MCU51-63K仿真器下通过实验的哦, 小虾们可以试试看。-1. EXT_C.rar for beginners (with the Chinese language in the notes C51 routines), the use of external LED lights interrupted a simple control. 2. EXT_A.rar for beginners (with the Chinese Notes of the 51 assembly language routines), the use of external LED lights interrupted a simple control. Two of the same functions interrupt routines, a C51, and the other using Calling achieve (Calling is compiled by the Anti-generation C51), in MCU51- 63K simulator through experiments Oh, shrimp can try.
Platform: | Size: 219136 | Author: www | Hits:


Description: 1. T0_ASM.rar, (带中文注释的C51语言例程), 利用定时器0中断实现LED灯的简单控制。 2. T0_C51.rar, (带中文注释的51汇编语言例程), 利用定时器0中断实现LED灯的简单控制。 两个同样功能的timer0中断程序都在MCU51-63K仿真器下通过实验, 小虾们可以试试看。 -1. T0_ASM.rar, (with the Chinese language in the notes C51 routines), Timer 0 interrupt the use of LED lights to the simple control. 2. T0_C51.rar, (with the Chinese Notes of the 51 assembly language routines), Timer 0 interrupt the use of LED lights to the simple control. Two of the same functions timer0 interrupted proceedings in MCU51- 63K simulator through experiments, shrimp can try.
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: www | Hits:


Description: 51的can通信程序,给需要的朋友
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 张文治 | Hits:


Description: KEIL 51单片机 环境 下的 CAN 通信 程序
Platform: | Size: 151552 | Author: ye | Hits:


Description: 该程序已经被多次使用,需要两个sja1000 + 51 + pca82c250的通讯模块(本程序是在P2.6和P2.5设置了LED灯来显示是否通讯成功),将源程序(kaobei.hex)下载到51单片机中,上电后通过按下两个模块的复位键,就能看到对应的模块有指示灯显示-The program has been used many times require two sja1000+ 51+ pca82c250 communication module (the program is set in the P2.6 and P2.5 LED lights to show whether the communication success), the source (kaobei.hex) downloaded to the microcontroller 51, after power on by pressing the two modules of the reset button, you can see the corresponding module LED display
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: wangy | Hits:


Description: 51单片机实现CAN总线和RS232协议之间的转换,内含SJA1000驱动程序,keil下编译通过。-51 MCU CAN bus and RS232 protocol conversion between, containing SJA1000 driver, keil compile.
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 王勇 | Hits:


Description: 51 CAN MCP2515 C程序,我的调试源码-51 CAN MCP2515 c program.my debug sourcecode.
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: 王梦 | Hits:
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